Echinopis chamaecereus 'Jubilee'
From $4.49
A hybrid of Echinopsis chamaecereus it is a little more compact that its parent plant. It's deep green chunky stems grow in an upright pattern that offsets freely forming it's won irregular shape. Easy to grow, it is a great bloomer with violet-red flowers.
Sulcorebutia albissima
From $4.99
A clustering, low growing variety named for the attractive dense white spines covering its green to grayish body. Freely produces flowers that are a beautiful purple-pink to pale magenta. A very pleasing and relatively quick growing plant.
Euphorbia mammillaris f. variegata
From $4.99
Easily recognized for its stem, which is subtle cream to frosty greenish-white with a splash of darker green. When temperatures are cold, stems become brushed with pink coloring on the tips. The stem grows upright with many club-like, lateral branches. A very easy grower with nice eye appeal coloring.
Cleistocactus strausii (Silver Torch)
From $4.99
An upright, slender, grey-green stem densely covered with white spines. The stem can reach up to 10 feet tall and only about 2-1/2 inches in diameter. Older plants that are over 18 inches tall can produce deep red burgundy flowers.
Mammillaria decipiens ssp. camptotricha (Bird's Nest Cactus)
From $5.49
A small, flattish clumping cactus that is covered with long cylindrical tubercles. It is covered in white to yellowish long twisting spines. Small, delicate white flowers appear around the top. Produces lots of offsets and forms a dense cluster.
Mammillaria longimamma (Finger Cactus)
From $5.49
An easy species to grow that will form a large clump with age. This cactus has a fairly large tap root, therefore it needs a deep pot. Long finger like stems with a small amount of white wool on the ends. The flowers are a bright yellow and are quite large for this genus.
Echinocereus pentalophus SB860
From $4.49
Formerly known as Echinocereus berlandieri SB860, this cactus forms many finger like stems around the main stem. Rich green stems grow upright with white stiff spines. The new spines have a pink to red tint. Plant form a nice clump with many offsets as it ages.
Huernia insigniflora cv. 'Red Belly'
From $4.99
Although we do our best to package the red bellies, there is always a possibility for some of the arms to become detached from the main plant during shipping. You can try and re root them by putting them in some soil.
Aloe white beauty
From $4.49
A beauty for sure with numerous whit marking on thick light green leaves. Blooms vivid orange flowers from spring to summer. A small slow growing aloe that offsets, it like bright light.
Aloe white diamond
From $4.49
A small stunning aloe that will clump in time. Leaves are green with numerous white dots and marks. Blooms bright orange flowers from spring to summer.
Aloe sal
From $4.49
Another Kelly Griffin fantastic aloe. 'Sals' foliage is green, white and pink. A tidy clumping aloe and moderate grower, Sal reaches about 6-8 inches tall and 6-8 inches wide. It likes mostly sun to part shade.
Euphorbia susannae
From $7.99
An intriguing bright green euphorbia to add to your collection. A crazy looking succulent that mounds up to form a pile of bumpy, lime green stem segments. Susannae stays relatively compact reaching about 4" tall and 10" wide. Easy to grow, makes a great potted plant. When Euphorbias are damage they usually leak a whitish sap, known as latex. Latex can cause skin irritations if left on your skin.
Aloe sunrise
From $4.49
A Kelly Griffin hybrid, this striking aloe's leaves are shades of green with raised orangish ridges. Orange colored teeth line the edges of the leaves. Grows in full sun to light shade. The brighter the light the more intense the plants color is. Growing 6" - 12" tall, sunrise clusters to make a beautiful showy plant.
Parodia concinna (Sun Cup)
From $4.99
A sun loving, small globular cactus that blooms large yellow flowers with maroon stigmas throughout spring and summer. The spines are soft and curved which can vary from pale yellow to red. The small spiny fruits are dry and papery when ripe. Grows offset with age to form clumps.
Mammillaria gracilis fragilis
From $4.99
Also known as the Thimble Cactus, this small plant grows about 4" high and is cylindrical in shape. Abundant offshoots appear in the upper region of the plant forming a mound. Covered with numerous radial spines that resembles bristles, they are white with the longer central spines being brown. The small flowers are cream to pale yellow. The shoots of this fragile plant fall off easily but are also easy to re start.
Mammillaria baumii
From $4.99
A pretty cactus, this is one of the best with its slender radial white spines and bright funnel shaped yellow flowers. The oval stem reaches about 3 inches high and 2-1/2 inches in diameter. Easily grown, this plant forms a dense cluster as it ages.
Mammillaria elongata
From $4.49
The finger like stems of this plant are densely covered with short radial spines that spread out like a star. They form dense clumps-some stems are erect while others are semi upright. An easy plant to grow but is prone to rot if overwatered.
Haworthia Cymbiformis
From $2.69
This Haworthia forms tight small rosettes with light green leaves that are translucent at the tips. The rosettes offset rapidly to form a low spreading matt. Haworthias like partial shade, but if grown in sun the soft, semi transparent leaves turn slightly orange. Very easy to grow, this makes a great indoor plant!
Aloe pink blush
From $4.49
It is one of the larger Kelly Griffin miniature hybrid. This distinctive aloe, offsets readily and has colorful textured leaves with raised pink edges and orange flowers. It can grow up to one foot tall and wide. The brighter the light this aloe is grown in, the more vibrant the color it will have.
Aloe Christmas Carol
From $4.49
A beautiful star shaped hybrid developed by Kelly Griffin. It has dark green leaves and red markings. A very distinctive looking aloe, the colors are more vivid when grown in more light. This slow growing aloe can grow up to about 1 foot tall and wide producing an abundance of offsets that will fill its pot over time.