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Euphorbia platyclada Deadwood

From $7.99

Euphorbia platyclada (Deadwood) is a highly unusual succulent with flattened, speckled, red-brown leafless stems. This wacky plant has a pinky brown color which become brighter in bright sunshine during the summer time. It is slow growing with an irregular growth pattern and branches freely. Branches are highly unique and interesting with 'fingers' on their ends. The plant does look dead hence its common name Euphorbia Deadwood. A great plant for both collectors and beginners. Euphorbia playtclada (Deadwood) is an easy plants to care for and likes bright light. Small yellow flowers appear on the ends of the branches throughout the...

Haworthia Truncata 'Lime Green'

From $7.99

This fascinating Haworthia with a fan like leaf arrangement. Its growth pattern has the ability to form nice clumps with time. Its lime green coloration is very attractive with semi-transparent window leaves that seem to glisten. A great conversation piece for your home.

Haworthia Truncata

From $7.99

This unusual small dark green succulent grows in a fan shape and offsets with age. The flat leaves resembling stepping stones are slow growing and have opaque windows at the top. A very popular and sought after plant by beginners and collectors.

Echinocereus reichenbachii var. baileyi

From $5.00

This robust tough little cactus has cylindrical stems that grow to about 8 inches and 3-1/2 inches in diameter. The stems can be solitary of branch from the base. The pronounced ribs, numbering approximately 15 grows straight or sometimes form a spiral. You'll find the attractive radial spines can be white, yellow, reddish, coppery-brown or somewhat pink. Beautiful magenta flowers provide quite the show if the plant is provided an appropriate winter rest. Native to the USA (Oklahoma and Texas) this incredible cactus in usually problem free, cold and frost tolerant down to -30 Celsius for a short time. Although...

Aloe Variegata (Tiger Aloe, Partridge Breast)

From $4.99

Grows in a spiral fashion with new leaves appearing out of the top as the old leaves get pushed down to form the spiral. Has green leaves with white stripes. Plant will flower only when mature, around 5-7 years old. Slow to produce offsets. Grow in indirect light. Plant will turn brown if in too much light. Will not tolerate frost. Fertilize once a month during Spring/Summer with a cacti fertilizer. Keep dryer during winter months. When repotting, use a cacti soil.

Euphorbia bupleurifolia x susanne

From $8.49

Euphorbia bupleurifolia x susanne hybrid is a swarf plant. The bulbus caudex resembles that of a pineapple. Pups are produced from the main plant making it look like it grows in clusters. This adorable plant likes bright light, is easy to grow and will go great in your collection.

Euphorbia lactea 'Cristata Variegata'

From $10.00

Euhorbia lactea 'Cristata Variegats' (also know as the brain) is a small, slow-growing succulent with a stem composed of a continuous series of fan-shaped branches arranged in an alternating, undulating pattern. The stems range in color from white, yellow, and green to pink and violet. The paired spines are mainly located along the ridge of the crest.  Place in a sunny window or put outside in the summer, but protect from the frost and too much rain. This euphorbia makes an interesting conversation piece and a nice addition to any collection.

Echinocactus grusonii (Golden Barrel)

From $4.99

A slow, pale green barrel shaped stem with prominent ribs that has bright golden spines. Over time the golden barrel may become oblonged, which happens in its natural habitat. Easily grown in well drained soil in full sun or bright light. The golden barrel is primarily grown for its colorful spines, although it does have a yellow flower but vary rarely flowers when grown in a pot.

Rebutia fabrisii var. aureiflora


A small growing attractive cacti which freely offsets forming clumps. Yellow/orange flowers are freely produced from the base. The flowers are fairly large in relation to the body. Relatively easy to grow, this makes a great plant for beginners and is loved by experienced growers as well. We grow these as small hanging plants.

Sulcorebutia albissima

From $4.99

A clustering, low growing variety named for the attractive dense white spines covering its green to grayish body. Freely produces flowers that are a beautiful purple-pink to pale magenta. A very pleasing and relatively quick growing plant.

Echinocactus grusonii var. albispina

From $5.49

A single slow growing globe shaped stem that elongates with maturity. Pleasant green stem that forms deeply pronounced ribs as it ages. Albispina has numerous areoles with beautiful white radial spines. A must have for your collection!

Rebutia helosia (Aylostera Helosia)

From $7.99

Rebutia helosia is particularly attractive, thanks to its tiny sliver-white pectinate spines and brown areoles. Branches freely from the base and is prone to root rot. A good draining soil is a must with this cactus. It is considered by many to be one of the nicest in the rebutia species. This plant comes from mountainous areas, so it is important for the plant to have a cool winter period. Our flowers are orange but there is also a red variance.

Parodia concinna (Sun Cup)

From $4.99

A sun loving, small globular cactus that blooms large yellow flowers with maroon stigmas throughout spring and summer. The spines are soft and curved which can vary from pale yellow to red. The small spiny fruits are dry and papery when ripe. Grows offset with age to form clumps.

Aloe white diamond

From $4.49

A small stunning aloe that will clump in time. Leaves are green with numerous white dots and marks. Blooms bright orange flowers from spring to summer.

Rauhii 'Snowflake ' Aloe

From $4.49

Grows in a rosette shape, eventually forming clumps. Leaves mottled with numerous elongated white H shaped spots and tiny white teeth. In full sunlight, the green and white leaves become a purplish orange color. Flowers most heavily in the winter but may flower throughout the year. A moderate grower. Will not tolerate frost. Prefers filtered light. Fertilize once a month with a cacti fertilizer in the Spring/Summer. Keep dryer in the winter. When repotting, use cacti soil.

Aloe pink blush

From $4.49

It is one of the larger Kelly Griffin miniature hybrid. This distinctive aloe, offsets readily and has colorful textured leaves with raised pink edges and orange flowers. It can grow up to one foot tall and wide. The brighter the light this aloe is grown in, the more vibrant the color it will have.

Aloe sal

From $4.49

Another Kelly Griffin fantastic aloe. 'Sals' foliage is green, white and pink. A tidy clumping aloe and moderate grower, Sal reaches about 6-8 inches tall and 6-8 inches wide. It likes mostly sun to part shade.

Aloe doran black

From $4.49

A favorite small growing hybrid with bumpy textured with /green to bright green leaves. Produces new offsets abundantly which can be separated and transplanted or left to form a cluster. Red-orange flowers appear multiple times a year.

Rebutia krainziana

From $5.49

A clustering globular cactus has a beautiful dark stem color with spiraling ribs and small white areoles. Stems can reach up to 2-1/2" wide an 4" tall when mature. Clumps grow approximately 4" - 6" wide. Rebutai Krainziana is a prolific bloomer and one of the earliest rebutias to bloom in the spring. Flowers form at the base of each stem and our plant has red flowers. There are other color variations of Rebutia Krainziana. Krainziana continues to flower off and on through the warm months. It is beneficial to repot this plant annually until it reaches about 4" wide...

Rebutia fiebrigii (Orange Crown Cactus)

From $4.49

A small cactus with white short spines and light green tubercles that offsets with age forming a compact mound. The stems are rounded to slightly elongated in growth. Flowers profusely in late spring with brilliant orange funnel shaped flowers. Flowers are usually open for about 6 days.



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